2014 Annual meeting conference program


This conference program is for the 2014 Horticulture Innovation Annual Meeting (March 18-19) in Honduras. The program includes a welcome note by Dr. Elizabeth Mitcham, Horticulture Innovation Lab director, and provides background information about the work of the Horticulture Innovation Lab in Central America (including regional partner organizations) and highlights from the Horticulture Innovation Lab  "Advancing Horticulture: Assessment of constraints to horticultural sector growth". In addition, the program includes a detailed schedule of the two days and a full list of meeting participants and their contact information. Main components of the 2014 annual meeting include: an overview of horticulture in Honduras and Guatemala, a workshop on scaling up technologies and projects (led by Robert L. Adams, executive director and entrepreneur-in-residence at the Sustainable Ag Tech Innovation Center), four separate tours (markets, rural production, export production, and vegetable production), and an afternoon field day at the the Panamerican Agricultural School, Zamorano, home to the Horticulture Innovation Lab Regional Center at Zamorano, with remarks from director Julio López.