Current Projects

West Africa Regional Projects

Led by Dr. Freda E. Asem, University of Ghana.
African Indigenous fruits and vegetables (AIFVs) have significant benefits. The project develops a detailed analysis of how value chain actors  can increase income with enhanced production and consumption of AIFVs in Ghana and Mali.



Enhancing the production and consumption of African indigenous fruits and vegetables (AIFV) to improve diets in Ghana and Mali

Led by Gloria Essilfie, University of Ghana
Emphasizing the promotion of youth-led enterprises, this project raises consumer awareness of the nutritional benefits of AIFVs, while increasing incomes for all actors along the value chain.



Increasing youth participation in the production of indigenous vegetables and fruits using with locally available resources

Led by Atanda Oladejo, Obafemi Awolowo University
Research aims to increase employment opportunities in the horticulture sector through youth engagement with efficient soil management practices and digital tools to enhance African indigenous fruit and vegetable (AIFV) production.



Strengthening the horticulture sector in Guinea Bissau

Led by Dr. Naalamle Amissah , University of Ghana
The horticulture sector in Guinea Bissau offers significant promise that remains untapped. This project will strengthen input supply, production strategies, and build institutional capacity in higher education, national research, and within farmer groups.



Strengthening the horticulture sector in Niger

Led by Erin McGuire , University of California, Davis
The project builds on the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s efforts in Niger by strengthening key horticulture value chains and increasing the capacity of actors in the horticulture sector through this Mission buy-in from the USAID Mission in Niger.

East Africa Regional Projects

Led by Mumina Shibia, Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)
A project focused on improving the livelihoods of small-scale producers through increasing productivity, reducing postharvest losses, and enhancing market access to African indigenous vegetables (AIVs).


Small scale producers

Determining the trade-offs between short and long horticulture value chains in Kenya

Led by Willis Owino, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and Forah Obebo, GROOTS Kenya
Determine the impacts of long and short horticultural value chains on nutrition, economic and social outcomes, and the utilization of information communication technologies (ICTs) within these value chains


Uganda Muni

Developing innovative horticulture technologies for improved livelihoods for small-scale producers in Uganda

Led by Robert Kajobe, Muni University
Through identification of practices to reduce pre- and postharvest losses, along with effective market access strategies, the project will improve nutrition, increase sales, and elevate the income of small-scale vegetable producers.


Determinining trade off s

Determining the cost-benefit of integrating horticulture into staple crop production in Kenya

Led by Kwadwo Danso-Mensah, International Center for Evaluation and Development , University of Ghana
Focused on a successful transition for small-scale producers in their shift from staple to horticulture production, this project examines the trade-offs across nutritious diet, income, land use and time availability, for producers in Kenya.

Central America Regional Projects

Led by Rolando Cifuentes, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG)
This project identifies the most effective protective structures, irrigation technologies, practices to improve soil health, and postharvest management practices to ensure the production of high-quality, safe, and nutritious produce.
Led by José Salvador Vega Prado Leiva, Acceso
Focused on improving the income and livelihoods of local producers, this project identifies protective structures that maximize horticultural production and quality, and enhances access to postharvest technology and market linkages.
Led by Julio López Montes, Panamerican Agricultural School, Zamorano
A fellowship-oriented program that provides seed funding to higher-education students in Honduras and Guatemala to conduct small-scale research projects across the horticulture value chain. 

South Asia Regional Projects 

Led by Rishikesh Dhakal, FORWARD Nepal
This project engages youth in enterprises through the identification of profitable opportunities and creation of an effective financing framework, thus promoting young entrepreneurs to run horticultural businesses.



Advancing technology based on urban and peri-urban horticulture needs in Bangladesh and Nepal

Led by Kalyani Tripathi, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU)
This project focuses on enhancing urban and peri-urban community access to nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, while creating employment opportunities for the local community, and promoting youth entrepreneurship.
Led by Ram Khadka, Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)
To ensure long-term food and nutritional security for marginalized farmers in Nepal, this project focuses on developing efficient technologies to reduce soil-borne pathogens to increase vegetable production yields.