Select a country or region below to find our partner organizations.

The Horticulture Innovation Lab has partnered with U.S. universities, international researchers, non-governmental organizations, national agricultural research institutes, private enterprise and foreign universities in Africa, Asia and Latin America.


A to Z Textile Mills - Tanzania, Kenya

ADC Super Crown - Senegal

Ande Liguey - Ghana

Eco Finder - Kenya

GROOTS Kenya - Kenya

HORTI Tengeru - Tanzania

Mwino Group - Uganda

Sapporo Mobi-Vet - Tanzania

Scheut Tshilomba - Democratic Republic of the Congo

SYBASH, Ltd. - Rwanda

World Relief - Malawi


Aythos, Inc. - Nepal

Kasetsart University - Thailand, Cambodia, Nepal, Bangladesh

Maejo University - Thailand

PRIDE - Bangladesh

Rhino Research - Thailand

Rushnoi - Tajikistan

Winrock International - Guinea, Thailand, Cambodia

WorldFish - Bangladesh

North America

Agribusiness Associates Inc. - United States, Rwanda, Burkina Faso

Auburn University - United States

Cornell University - United States

iDE - United States, Cambodia, Guatemala

IPM Innovation Lab - United States, Cambodia, Nepal

Kansas State University - United States, Cambodia, Nepal, Guatemala

Michigan State University - United States, Kenya

North Carolina Arboretum - United States

NovaFlora, Inc. - United States

Nutrition Innovation Lab - United States

Postharvest Education Foundation - Rwanda, Tanzania, United States

Purdue University - United States, Kenya, Zambia, Tajikistan

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey - United States, Kenya, Zambia, Ghana

SANREM CRSP - United States

Store It Cold, LLC - United States

Texas A&M University - United States

The Ohio State University - United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Nigeria

Tuskegee University - United States

University of California, Davis - United States, Cambodia, Uganda, Thailand, Honduras, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Guinea, Vietnam

University of Florida - United States, Honduras, Guatemala, Tanzania

University of Georgia - United States

University of Wisconsin-Madison - United States, Guatemala, Honduras
