Information Resources

As part of their research process, Horticulture Innovation Lab partners create fact sheets, presentations, posters, journal articles, and other information products to share with farmers, academics, and other participants in their projects. These horticulture resources are sorted by country, value chain part, type of information, crop, and other category tags. We hope you find these information products useful in your work with fruits, vegetables, and farmers.

DryCard™ Brochure

The DryCard™ brochure offers a concise overview of DryCard™ technology, its role in the dry chain, and its practical application. This simple, user-friendly tool helps assess the dryness of grains, cereals, pulses, fruits, and vegetables before storage.

Value Chain Analysis for Selected Indigenous Vegetables in Ghana

By valorizing indigenous fruits and vegetables and promoting their consumption, the project seeks to improve nutrition in Ghana and Mali through diet diversification, ultimately increasing production and access to nutrient-dense indigenous fruits and vegetables. This report provides key findings in the the value chains supplying these products.
Country: Ghana

Annual Report 2022-2023

Executive SummaryA total of 15 projects were successfully awarded by the Horticulture Innovation Lab during the reporting period, with 93% of sub-awarded funds going to academic institutions based in West and East Africa, Central America, and South Asia.

Annual Report 2021-2022

Executive Summary The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Horticulture at the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) works with and promotes local leadership in communities across the globe to advance horticultural and social innovations for nutrition and fi

Annual Report 2018-2019

Executive Summary The Horticulture Innovations Lab’s global research network advances fruit and vegetable innovations, empowering smallholder farmers to earn more income while better nourishing their communities.

Annual Report 2017-2018

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Horticulture Innovation Lab improves how smallholder farmers grow and sell fruit and vegetable crops, with research activities targeting all stages of the horticultural value chain from seed systems to marketing.

Journal Article: Postharvest technologies for small-scale farmers in low- and middle-income countries; a call to action

This paper presents several innovations in postharvest management introduced in LMICs that have made impacts; however, more comprehensive and systemic impacts are required. For example, we focused on smallholder farmers, but medium-sized operations in LMICs, along with the formation of cooperatives or associations among smallholder farmers, can be conduits for adopting technologies with higher capital costs. Ultimately, greater cohesion and urgency is needed among policymakers, researchers, private industry, sociologists, agro-economists, public sector, local-leaders, among others, to meet this call to action to finally make significant reductions in postharvest losses in LMICs.

Journal Article: The Influence of Food Environments on Food Security Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Examination of Urban and Rural Difference in Kenya

This study used a two-part telephonic study comprising of the C-SCAN and HFIAS survey tools and was conducted in urban and rural Kenya. This study aimed to examine urban and rural differences in the perceived influence of COVID-19 on (1) agricultural production and livelihood; and (2) food environment attributes (food access, accessibility, price) and diets. Furthermore, this paper examined whether access to different environments (e.g., wild, cultivated, informal, and formal) impacted food security. We hypothesize that during the COVID-19 pandemic, urban residents will report decreased access to both the natural and built food environment negatively influencing food security.
Country: Kenya