IEE, Environmental Monitoring and Mitigation Plans, & PERSUAPs, Seed Approval, and Fertilizer Approval

Quick Access Link to Restricted Goods Form
Form for project request for approval of restricted goods
USAID has specific requirements for Pesticide Evaluation Report and Safer Use Action Plan (PERSUAP) and Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP). For assistance contact Archie Jarman (
For determining pesticides/herbicides approved for use:
The program's IEE includes a list of approved pesticides and herbicides for use based by region. It is highly recommended to use pesticides and herbicides already approved in the IEE. Pesticides and herbicides not listed on the IEE for a project's region will require an amendment to the IEE. Prior to purchasing pesticides and herbicides in your projects, pre-approval from USAID is required, even for those active ingredients listed in the IEEs. To receive clearance, please fill out Restricted Goods Form and entries will be sent USAID AOR for approval. PIs will be notified when approval is received.:
Approved IEEs for the Horticulture Innovation Lab:
- West Africa Regional IEE#1
- East Africa Regional IEE #1
- Central America Regional IEE #1
- South Asia Regional IEE
- Guinea Bissau IEE
Key Links with Additional Information:
- Climate Risk Management for USAID Projects and Activities:
- Regional and Country Risk Profiles for CRM:
- Climate Risk Management Tools and Resources:
Seed Use Pre-Approval
Prior to using seeds in your projects, pre-approval from USAID is required. To receive clearance, please fill out Restricted Goods Form and entries will be sent USAID AOR for approval. PIs will be notified when approval is received.:
- Documentation affirming that the seed is, if applicable, officially released or otherwise approved by the government of the country in which they are procured and in which they are intended for use.
- Seed Certification Label officially recognized by the country where the seed was grown or a Seed Grower's Declaration of Quality. The Declaration of Quality is based on testing by a recognized seed laboratory, and includes as much of the following information as applicable/possible:
- - Crop and variety;
- - Where the seed was grown (country);
- - Seed lot number;
- - Incidence of weed seeds;
- - Percentage of inert matter;
- - Germination and hard seed;
- - Names and rates of noxious weed-seed occurrence;
- - Month/year in which purity and germination tests were completed;
- - If seed was treated, chemicals with which treated and cautionary statement;
- - Where, and by whom the seed was tested, i.e., laboratory, etc.
- Amount of seed needed
- Cost
Fertilizer Use Pre-Approval
For Fertilizer approval, please fill out Restricted Goods Form and entries will be sent USAID AOR for approval. PIs will be notified when approval is received.This information will be passed to the AOR for approval. (Note - ammonium nitrate and calcium ammonium are generally not allowed). Please utilize fertilizers already listed in the IEE for your region. If it is not listed, an amendment can be requested:
- Product name and country of origin
- Ingredients
- Amount
- Cost
- Intended use (including country)
- Confirmation it is listed as eligible in