Video: DryCard™ - UC Davis 2018 Innovator of the Year


This 2-minute video, "2018 Innovator of the Year — DryCard™" was created by UC Davis in May 2018 to introduce the invention of the DryCard™ as the winner of Chancellor's Innovation Award. The DryCard™ is an inexpensive device developed by Michael Reid and Jim Thompson, of UC Davis, to easily determine if dried food is dry enough to prevent mold growth during storage.

People around the world, especially in developing nations, depend on dried food as part of their everyday diet. Drying food is one way farmers preserve their harvest, but knowing when food is dry enough to store can be difficult. Improperly dried food can lead to mold, which has major health implications for millions of people.

The impact of the DryCard™ is immediate because people see the color change. The technology itself costs as much as one or two cans of soda. It's affordable, reusable, and that key, simple idea has allowed DryCard™ to be used for a wide range of products.



Value Chain

Postharvest practices

