Women in Agriculture Network (WAgN): Honduras website


This website, "Women in Ag Network (WAgN): Honduras" is an additional website for the project "Empowering women through horticulture in Honduras," led by Janelle Larson from Penn State. The website includes basic project information, including a project description.

"This project uses a gendered economy perspective to understand and promote the participation of women in the horticulture value chain in western Honduras."


  • Penn State: Leif Jensen, Carolyn Sachs, Elsa Sanchez, Melanie Miller-Foster, Paige Castellanos, Elisabeth Garner
  • Panamerican Agricultural School, Zamorano: Arie Sanders, Adriana Hernandez Santana, Hazel Velasco, Alfredo Reyes
  • Consultant: Emily Levitt Ruppert

Value Chain

Farmer Info

