- kpsaspkota@ucdavis.edu
- https://www.forwardnepal.org/
Krishna holds a master’s degree in Agriculture and specialized in post-harvest horticulture from Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and a bachelor’s in Agricultural Economics from IAAS/Tribhuvan University, Nepal. He has been in the development sector since 2007 starting his career from SDC funded Multi-stakeholder Forestry Program (MSFP) and then joined USAID Food for Peace program, PAHAL, in Kathmandu as Agriculture Program Manager. He served as Agriculture Productivity and Marketing Manager for Winrock International in the USAID Feed the Future initiative KISAN II project. He also brings experience in value chain financing working as supply chain coordinator for IFAD funded program RPSF-APIA from Agriculture Development Bank Ltd (ADBL) at Kathmandu. His research interests lie in the area of food and nutrition security, resilient livelihoods, agricultural research, agribusiness, program development and its management. He has been working to enhance the livelihoods of smallholder farmers through agribusinesses that are resilient to weather variability. Krishna has mentored many private sectors start up their agribusiness and grow their business while catering services for the producers. He is a lifelong member of Nepal Horticulture Society (NHS) and active member of Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA).