Dr. Lusike Wasilwa works for Kenya Agricultural & Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) as Director Crop Systems. Lusike holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Agriculture from University of Eastern Africa, Baraton; Master of Science (MSc) in Horticulture and doctorate (Ph.D.) in Plant Science from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, US; and a post doctorate from Rutgers University, New Jersey. Dr. Wasilwa has received several career building awards beginning in University of Eastern Africa where she was placed in the Dean’s List of Excellence. She has research experience of over 35 years and has authored or co-authored several publications, scientific articles and technical papers in a wide spectrum of subject matter with emphasis in horticulture, molecular plant pathology and horticulture and industrial crop product value chains.
Dr Wasilwa serves on the Advisory Board of Emerge Africa; the Kenya Avocado Project, One Acre Fund and the Research Grant Management Committee of Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project (KCSAP). She is a board member of USTADI and the African Journal for Horticultural Science. She has also served as the Governing Board Member of the East African Science & Technology Commission (EASTECO); a board member of Pest Control Products Board, Kenya National Accreditation Service (KENAS) Board; Advisory Committees of Horticulture Impact Project-SNV, Chair and Vice Chair of the Horticulture International Advisory Board for HortCRSP. She served as the Chair of the Southern and Eastern Cotton Forum (SEACF). She served as a member of the Kenya Agricultural Productivity Programme (KAPP); the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) and the Kenya Agricultural Productivity and Agribusiness Programme (KAPAP) grants advisory and approval committees. Dr Wasilwa is a recipient of 3 medals from International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) in recognition of service.
Recently, her research efforts focus on mainstreaming biodiversity to contribute to food, nutrition and income security. These efforts are coupled with increased utilization, conservation and commercialization of underutilized fruits. She also promotes use of precision agriculture for increased production and productivity with special emphasis in reduction of losses attributed to pests, diseases, and pre-and-postharvest losses, advancing best production practices.