- ramkhadka.narc@gmail.com
- https://sites.google.com/view/molecularplantpathologylab/home?pli=1
Dr. Ram Bahadur Khadka earned his Ph.D. in Plant Pathology at the Ohio State University, Department of Plant Pathology under Dr. Sally Miller's supervision. He received both his Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Master of Science in Agriculture with Plant Pathology, from Tribhuvan University, Institute of Agricultural and Animal Sciences based in Rampur.
Currently, he is working as a Scientist at Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) – National Plant Pathology Research Center, Lalitpur, Nepal. His research programs include basic and applied aspects of plant pathology with the aim to improve national capacity in plant disease management. He uses various conventional omics, and machine learning tools to detect diseases, characterize pathogens, predict and forecast diseases; and develop strategies to manage them in a sustainable manner. His major specializations include soilborne diseases, diagnosing pathogens, and forecasting plant diseases. Ram will lead the overall implementation of the project in Nepal including supervision of graduate and PhD students, running metagenomic study, organizing meetings and workshops, and coordinating and collaborating with different stakeholders in project implementation.