Talking about gender in farmer field schools


This 90-second video shares about farmer field schools held in Honduras that included discussions on gender roles and responsibilities. The discussion topics included decision making within the household, gender roles, and leadership.

Speaking in this video is Hazel Velsaco Palacios of the Panamerican Agriucltural School, Zamorano (EAP Zamorano), with additional comments from Juliana Mendoza of the Associación de Mujeres Intibucanas Renovadas (AMIR).

“I think it is really important and the people [are] actually open to talk about these topics. They are sharing their experience and sharing how things are changing in the communities.” – Hazel Valasco Palacios, Zamorano

This video is about a Horticulture Innovation Lab project headed by Janelle Larson of Penn State. The project team is analyzing the horticultural value chain in Western Honduras using a gendered economy perspective. This analysis documents how the horticultural value chain can be a mechanism to support equity and empowerment for women and other marginalized groups.

This video debuted at the 2018 Horticulture Innovation Lab annual meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. 

