- willis@agr.jkuat.ac.ke
Willis Owino is an Associate Professor at the Department of Food Science and Technology, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. He is also currently serving as the Director, Production and Innovations at JKUAT, responsible for Coordination and evaluation of income-generating activities (IGUs) and scaling of innovation outputs towards commercialization. He graduated with a B.Sc in Food Science and Postharvest Technology from JKUAT, M.Sc. in Biospheric systems from Okayama University, Japan and PhD in Food Science (Postharvest Biology and Technology Major) from Okayama University. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Gene Research Centre, University of Tsukuba, Japan under the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship. He was a Faculty Exchange Fellow at the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR), University of Missouri, Columbia, USA in 2012. He has been involved in a wide range of research project funded by a broad range of donors. His research interest is on fruits and vegetables value chain focusing on Postharvest Technology, processing and value addition, Nutrition, Food Safety.