Sushil Raj Ghimire

Sushil Ghimire profile picture
Former Co-PI
Based In
Kathmandu, Nepal

Sushil possess 20+ years of humanitarian and developmental work-experience in the field of economic development, food security and nutrition. Sushil has solid track-record of project/ program design and management on of both research and humanitarian-development interventions, and has already successfully designed and managed the project of both institutional and private donors including BMZ, EU, USAID, UNWFP, BMGF, and Childhood Foundation. Sushil has already proved himself as champion team builder and project implementor as well as seasoned researcher and concept/ proposal developer - has already led the development of a number of successful projects (proposals) with cumulative worth of above $10M. Sushil has already worked in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Israel and Yemen. One of the strengthes that Sushil has is the thorough understanding of MEAL system and setting the MEAL system at organizational and project levels. 

Sushil Raj Ghimire served as a Co-PI for the Horticulture Innovation Lab South Asia Regional Hub research initiative, Empowering youth entrepreneurs through appropriate horticulture interventions in Nepal, until the summer of 2024.


