2014 Project update: Developing training materials to improve postharvest practices


This poster provides 2014 updates for the project focused on developing postharvest training materials for smallholder farmers in Honduras and Guatemala. The poster was presented by Jeffrey Brecht of the University of Florida. He is the principal investigator for this project, with collaborators Mark Ritenour, University of Florida, and Luis Cisneros-Zevallos, Texas A&M University.

The poster provides a project summary and the three project objectives:

  1. Identify and recruit subject matter experts who will produce the training materials and oversee the process of producing the materials so that it appropriately addresses different audiences and is of uniformly high quality.
  2. Work with the subject matter experts and Hort CRSP (Horticulture Innovation Lab) personnel to identify, select and obtain the audiovisual materials needed by the subject matter experts that will be used to illustrate the concepts and practices in the training materials.
  3. Trial the training materials in Guatemala and Honduras, and use the results and feedback to review and revise the materials.

The intended audiences for the postharvest training materials are:

  • Smallholder, subsistence farmers who are interested in beginning to sell portions of their crops
  • Farmers who are already selling part of their crops, but who wish to increase the scale and distance of their sales (e.g., in a large domestic city market)
  • Farmers who are already, or are considering, selling their product for export; this module should also be of use for university students interested in learning postharvest concepts

This poster was part of the Horticulture Innovation Lab 2014 Annual Meeting, which took place March 17-21, 2014, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.


Honduras Guatemala