Sweet potato leaves for family nutrition




Lauren Howe, University of California, Davis


This project intends to develop local scientific and technical capacity of 50 smallholder farmers (70% women) in the preparation of sweet potato leaves for home consumption. Despite evidence of the high nutritional value of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) leaves (USDA, 2017; Islam, 2007), they are not commonly used for human consumption due to ingrained food habits and lack of knowledge. The leaves are however used for animal feed. Therefore, Send a Cow Ethiopia, with support from Areka Agricultural Research Centre and Wolayita Sodo University, aims to research the preparation of sweet potato leaves and promote their consumption in Wolayita as a dietary supplement providing essential nutritional requirements, particularly for women and children. The project will be implemented in Ukara and Gurumo Koysha Kebeles of Boloso Sore District in Wolayita Zone of Ethiopia.