
New call for Trellis Fund grant proposals

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The Horticulture Innovation Lab invites organizations in developing countries to compete for new Trellis Fund grants up to $4,000 each for 6-month projects, to extend horticultural information to local farmers and stakeholders along fruit or vegetable value chains.

Event: First All-Africa Postharvest Congress

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“Reducing food losses and waste: Sustainable solutions for Africa” is the theme of the first All Africa Post Harvest Congress and Exhibition. The conference will be March 28-31 in Nairobi, Kenya. The event will address aspects of postharvest management related to perishable crops, perishable animal products, non-perishable food commodities, capacity development, and related social issues that affect postharvest management.

Seeking insights into integrated animal-horticulture systems

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Understanding the socioeconomic feasibility and trade-offs involved in mixed crop-livestock farming systems — ones that specifically incorporate fruit and vegetable crops — is the focus of a new call for concept notes for a grant from the Horticulture Innovation Lab.

New funding for market-driven research on apricots, tomatoes

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How to improve market opportunities for farmers growing tomatoes in West Africa and apricots in Central Asia are the main objectives of two new research grant opportunities from the Horticulture Innovation Lab. September 12 is the deadline for research proposals for these two projects, each with funding up to $300,000 over two years. U.S.-based researchers are invited to apply in partnership with international scientists and organizations.

Scholarship opportunity: Guatemalan to study at North Carolina A&T

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Guatemalans interested in pursuing a doctoral degree are encouraged to apply for a fellowship package that will be part of an upcoming Horticulture Innovation Lab project in Guatemala, called MásRiego. Guatemaltecos/as interesados ​​en obtener un título de doctorado para solicitar un paquete de becas que formará parte de un nuevo proyecto del “Horticulture Innovation Lab” en Guatemala, llamado MásRiego.