Fruit And Vegetable Production - Information Products
Information Products
Hortalizas injertadas aumenta el rendimiento
Fact sheet, Program materials
Bombas solares que incrementan las opciones para los agricultores
Fact sheet, Program materials
Solar pumps improve irrigation options for farmers
Fact sheet, Program materials
Vegetable grafting increases yield, business opportunities
Fact sheet, Program materials
Facilitated solarization reduces weeds, pests in a week
Fact sheet, Program materials
Pest-exclusion nets protect crops to boost yield
Fact sheet, Program materials
Growing vegetables with conservation agriculture
Fact sheet, Program materials
Las mallas anti-insectos protegen los cultivos para aumentar el rendimiento
Fact sheet, Program materials
Training manual for postharvest handling of horticultural crops in Rwanda
How-to Manual, Curriculum, Training
Improved vegetable production and mulching technology
Presentation, How-to Manual
Maturity indices and quality: orange chili
Fact sheet
Maturity indices and quality: yellow chili
Fact sheet
Pineapples: maturity indices and quality
Fact sheet
Tomato: maturity indices and quality
Fact sheet
Technology Flash Talk: Nethouses for pest management
Presentation, 2019 annual meeting
Lessons learned from improving nutrition and income generation with African indigenous vegetables
Presentation, 2018 annual meeting
Cultivo de hortalizas con la agricultura de conservación
Fact sheet, Program materials
Success story: Reducing drudgery, improving soil for vegetable farmers
Fact sheet, Program materials
Seedling nurseries
Poster, How-to Manual
Tomato production
Poster, How-to Manual
Producción de fresas en macrotúneles
PAINet project website
Informative website
Voacanga best practices posters
Poster, Curriculum
Role of horticultural crops development authority and horticulture sector performance report
Policy brief, Report, 2013 annual meeting
Research on African indigenous vegetables
2014 Key Opportunities for Nutrition
Research on orange- and purple-fleshed sweet potatoes
Presentation, 2014 Key Opportunities for Nutrition
Growing the evidence base behind nutritious, leafy vegetables
News publication
2014 Project update: Strengthening value chain for African indigenous vegetables
Poster, 2014 annual meeting
5-minute lesson: Conservation agriculture for commercial vegetable home gardens
Presentation, 2017 annual meeting
2014 Project update: Strengthening the value chain for orange- and purple-fleshed sweet potatoes
Poster, Fact sheet, 2014 annual meeting
Vegetable grafting research-based information portal
Informative website
Vegetable grafting in Africa: status and outlook
Tomato Grafting Guide
How-to Manual
Horticulture in a trilateral project (U.S., Brazil, and beneficiary countries Mozambique, Haiti, Honduras)
Presentation, 2016 Symposium on Horticultural Science
Challenges to safe vegetable production
Presentation, 2016 Symposium on Horticultural Science
Lightning talk: Conservation agriculture for vegetable production
Presentation, 2016 annual meeting
5-minute lesson: Plántulas de Esperanza
Presentation, 2017 annual meeting
Lightning talk: African indigenous vegetables for nutrition
Presentation, Video, 2016 annual meeting
Success story: Cambodian farmers reach new buyers with fresh approach
Fact sheet, Program materials
Agricultural nets and floating row covers: New tools for vegetable production
Presentation, 2013 annual meeting
Increasing capacity of smallholder farmers to produce and market indigenous leafy green vegetables
Presentation, 2013 annual meeting
Poster: Increasing capacity of smallholder farmers to produce and market indigenous leafy green vegetables
Poster, 2013 annual meeting
Increasing smallholder vegetable farmer utilization of grafting and tunnel microclimate management tools
Poster, 2011 annual meeting
Crops spend the night under mosquito nets
News publication
Indigenous African leafy vegetables for enhancing livelihood security of smallholder farmers in Kenya
Poster, 2010 inception workshop