Postharvest Practices - Information Products
Information Products
Success story: Engaging start-ups to reduce postharvest losses in Rwanda
Fact sheet, Program materials
Solar drying adds value to crop surplus
Fact sheet, Program materials
How to build a chimney solar dryer (Manual, Section 1)
How-to Manual, Program materials
Chimney solar dryer manual
How-to Manual, Program materials
Drying beads save high quality seeds
Fact sheet, Program materials
New, low-cost indicator of food dryness: DryCard™
Fact sheet, Program materials
Success story: How one farmer’s invention is reducing food waste
Fact sheet, Program materials
El secado solar añade valor a los excedentes de cultivos
Fact sheet, Program materials
Las perlas de secado para el almacenamiento de semillas de alta calidad
Fact sheet, Program materials
CoolBot provides inexpensive, effective cooling
Fact sheet, Program materials
El CoolBot ofrece una efectiva refrigeración a un bajo costo
Fact sheet, Program materials
Policy Brief: Fungal Toxins and Food Insecurity
Policy brief
How to Implement the Dry Chain - Handout
Fact sheet
Facilitator manual: How to use the chimney solar dryer
How-to Manual, Curriculum
Training manual for postharvest handling of horticultural crops in Rwanda
How-to Manual, Curriculum, Training
Postharvest handling of mangos
How-to Manual
Webinar: How to improve postharvest management for horticultural crops
Presentation, Video, 2019 Hort4Dev webinar series
Small scale processing of mangos manual
How-to Manual
Postharvest value addition of oranges and mangoes manual
How-to Manual
DryCard™ pictorial flow chart
Fact sheet
Maturity indices and quality: orange chili
Fact sheet
Maturity indices and quality: yellow chili
Fact sheet
Pineapples: maturity indices and quality
Fact sheet
Tomato: maturity indices and quality
Fact sheet
Beginning postharvest training for horticultural crops
Curriculum, Training
Intermediate postharvest training for horticultural crops
Curriculum, Training
Advanced postharvest training for horticultural crops
Curriculum, Training
Webinar: How to conduct horticulture value chain assessments
Presentation, Video, 2019 Hort4Dev webinar series
Plastic crates for fresh produce
Fact sheet, Report
Webinar: Dry Chain - Solving dried commodity losses due to moisture and humidity
Presentation, Video
Panel: Postharvest strategies, reducing food loss and powering economic growth
Presentation, 2019 annual meeting
Technology Flash Talk: DryCard™ for dry chain management
Presentation, 2019 annual meeting
DryCard™ — A low-cost dryness indicator for dried products
Journal article
Capacity building of produce postharvest management in Tanzania
Presentation, 2018 annual meeting
Postharvest Loss Assessment of Tomatoes in Rwanda
Policy brief, Report
Postharvest Loss Assessment of Green Chilies in Rwanda
Policy brief, Report
Postharvest Loss Assessment of Orange-Fleshed Sweet Potatoes in Rwanda
Policy brief, Report
Postharvest Loss Assessment of Green Bananas in Rwanda
Policy brief, Report
Drying fruits and vegetables with a chimney solar dryer (Manual, Section 2)
How-to Manual, Program materials
Concentrated Solar Drying presentation
Concentrated solar drying of tomatoes
Journal article
Success story: Reducing food losses through postharvest training
Fact sheet, Program materials
Voacanga best practices posters
Poster, Curriculum
Postharvest 'master trainers' graduate from Tanzania center
News publication
Brochure on seed drying beads in Telugu
How-to Manual
Brochure on seed drying beads in Nepali
How-to Manual
Improving yield through better farm-saved seed storage
How-to Manual
Strengthening the value chain for African indigenous vegetables
Presentation, 2013 annual meeting
Dry Chain website
Informative website
2014 Project update: Dry chain can maintain seed quality in humid regions
Poster, 2014 annual meeting
USAID's Agricultural Research Strategy: The role of postharvest loss
Presentation, 2014 Postharvest in Horticulture
Event summary: Postharvest in Horticulture
White paper, 2014 Postharvest in Horticulture
5-minute lesson: Postharvest handling and processing of dried apricots
Presentation, 2017 annual meeting
2014 Project update: Improving postharvest practices with local market support
2014 annual meeting
2014 Project update: Opening a regional postharvest training and services center in Sub-Saharan Africa
Poster, 2014 annual meeting
Reducing losses and extending availability of fruits and vegetables
Presentation, 2017 Aligning the Food System for Fruits and Vegetables
Lightning talk: Commercialization of drying technologies for horticultural seed
Presentation, 2016 annual meeting
5-minute lesson: Six lessons from postharvest loss assessments in Rwanda
Presentation, 2017 annual meeting
5-minute lesson: Dry chain and dry store
Presentation, 2017 annual meeting
Success story: Cambodian farmers reach new buyers with fresh approach
Fact sheet, Program materials
Success story: Inventing a low-cost solution to reduce moldy foods
Fact sheet, Program materials
Success story: Supporting postharvest in Tanzania’s horticulture sector
Fact sheet, Program materials
Lightning talk: Cold storage of horticultural crops in Bangladesh
Presentation, 2016 annual meeting
Strategies for cool storage of perishable crops
Presentation, 2016 Symposium on Horticultural Science
Drying seeds and produce
Presentation, 2016 Symposium on Horticultural Science
Challenges in postharvest handling of tropical fruit
Presentation, 2016 Symposium on Horticultural Science
Potato storage in Bangladesh and other innovative technologies
Poster, 2015 annual meeting
2014 Activity update: Innovative potato storage in Bangladesh
Poster, 2014 annual meeting
Demonstrated Value of Improving Postharvest Practices
Presentation, 2014 Postharvest in Horticulture
Horticulture Innovation Lab Overview and Importance of Improving Postharvest Practices
Presentation, 2014 Postharvest in Horticulture
Drying Beads website
Informative website
Postharvest Technologies for the Developing World
Presentation, 2014 Postharvest in Horticulture
2014 Project update: Developing training materials to improve postharvest practices
Poster, 2014 annual meeting
Selected references: Postharvest cooling of horticultural commodities
Informative website
Innovative energy solutions for horticulture
Poster, 2013 annual meeting
Implementing drying systems to preserve seed quality
Presentation, 2013 annual meeting
Store It Cold website
Informative website
CoolBot Performance Test
Small-scale cool rooms and cool transport for limited resource farmers
Poster, 2010 inception workshop